Sunday, February 23, 2020

Attracting and Retaining Talent in the Current Environment Research Proposal

Attracting and Retaining Talent in the Current Environment - Research Proposal Example The current business environment or the e-world is about the opportunities that globalization and mobility offer to employees. While in the previous era, people seeking a ‘job for life’, the current world that is enabled with information technology provides a host of opportunities for the employee and the employer. Clearly, information technology and the widespread use of Internet along with globalization have broken down barriers and borders. A person from the UK would probably not hesitate if a suitable offer and position came up in the US or any other country. At the same time, employers also have the option of a much wider talent pool and an HR person from the UK would not hesitate to recruit someone from the US (Martinsons, 2009). Considering all the issues and opportunities, the thesis looks at ISS as an enabler and would find ways and means to link it with SHRM thus creating a competitive advantage for a firm. The paper would be using both primary and secondary re search with extensive literature review and survey to link the two areas. Â  Competitive advantage for organizations is obtained by managing and maintaining key resources that are scarce and are difficult for other firms to imitate and which provide a firm an advantage over its rivals. Among the key resources available, human resources are regarded by many firms as irreplaceable. Being ‘irreplaceable’ is very true in the case of hi-technology firms such as Intel or Pharmaceutical companies that have a high worth of intellectual capital. Other firms also regard skilled technicians, good instructors, a good sales team or even excellent programmers as valuable and these employees help in retaining a competitive advantage (Youndt, 2006). Â  

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Smart classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Smart classroom - Essay Example Therefore, this paper aims to take a critical view of the use of smart classrooms, and its effect on the teaching/learning process, highlighting both its challenges, and the possible means to address these. In order to provide a more coherent discussion of the topic of smart classrooms, the study has a six structure, aimed to fostering better understanding of the topic. Therefore, the first part analyses the issue of smart classrooms from the teachers’ perspective, while looking into the benefits brought about by smart classrooms, especially by augmenting collaboration between students throughout the process of learning. The second part of the paper analyses the composing elements of smart classrooms. Furthermore, the possible challenges that are likely to occur while trying to implement smart classrooms are discussed under the final part of the present paper. Before entering deeper into the field of modern education, and the issue of whether smart classrooms have changed the understanding of traditional education, we will first proceed with explaining what smart classrooms actually are. According to Huang, Hu, Yang and Xiao (2012) smart classrooms are a sort of advanced technology which is designed to improve the learning experience and the classroom environment, enhancing both the learning and the teaching process simultaneously, by means of the newly introduced learning technology. This technology, as further explained by Huang, Hu, Yang and Xiao (2012), consists of PCs, various programmes, materials, innovative listening gadgets, and audio-visual devices or networks. Following the same direction, other researchers (e.g. Di, Gang and Juhong, 2008) point to the importance that the newly introduced technology acquire, to such an extent that they have turned into a vital device; a tool that plays an effective role in transferring and exch anging information within the IT governed environment. An important aspect that is